Your business may be eligible to claim a portion of the $5.5 billion settlement if it accepted Visa or Mastercard between 2004 and 2019

Contact us so that we may help you with this process

Claim Filing Deadline

Visa / Mastercard
Contact Information


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Are you a good candidate for the Visa/MC Settlement?

Tell us a little about you and your business ...

Did you process credit cards anytime between 2004 and 2019?

The business does not still need to be in operation.

Are you the owner, an officer, or someone authorized to represent the company?

Our company will help you all along the way and assist with any issues that may arise.

Payouts will be determined by the class action administrators after Feb 4, 2025

Visa / Mastercard Class Action Settlement FAQS

Frequently Asked Questions, Answered

The deadline to file is February 4, 2025 and the payments will go out after that. The Class Administrator will finalize calculations after the deadline to determine how much each claimant will receive.

Class members need not sign up for a third-party service to participate in any monetary relief and no-cost assistance will be provided from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. For further information, please visit

February 4, 2025

No, if you were in business anytime between January 1, 2004, and January 25, 2019 and you accepted Visa or Mastercard for payments, you can submit a claim.

We will submit your business information to the Class Administrator, and they will review it and calculate your Total Volume and Interchange Fees. Once we receive that information we will notify you with the numbers. If you agree with the numbers no further action is required on your part. If you feel the numbers are incorrect, please contact us and we will assist you with submitting additional information to the Class Administrator.

We’re Ready
When You Are

Submit your information today to start the process of getting your share of the $5.5B.

Whether you let us help you or you do this on your own, don't let this opportunity to get some of your money back slip by.

The Class Counsel did the years of hard work that now lets you do the easier part of reclaiming what is yours.